School for Qigong
Qigong Meditation 101
This is an ongoing 1.5 hour to 2 hour course that meets 2 times a month. It is designed to teach and review the foundations of qigong meditation and Taoist philosophy through discussion and guided meditation; providing you with an amazing tool kit to begin your practice.
The guided meditative tools presented in this class are experientially based and are designed to clear and transform the stagnant or stuck energy in your qi system and organs; softening and grounding the soul more deeply into the body. These powerful tools provides you with a foundation for training the mind and going within to access your own answers.
When practiced consistently, these tools develop your awareness and understanding of the language of qi and your interconnection with the cycles and elements of nature. It develops your protective field, it strengthens your cellular communication, deepens the awareness of your body and its needs, brings understanding to your emotional feedback system, as well as brings you in-touch with who you are as a soul.
Center, Ground, Replenish
Learn the ancient and powerful practice of centering and its importance in the qigong system. Experience how to regulate your autonomic nervous system through your breath and develop your connection within your own center. Learn to set your space, and ground into the center of the planet. Learn how you can fill yourself in and replenish your own energy.
This practice builds the strength, awareness, and protection of your outer qi field that surrounds you about 3 feet out in all directions. It develops the relationship, though trust and communication between your personal mind (ego) and impersonal mind (spirit) at the edge of your field. This golden light at the edge of your field acts as a filter much like a cell membrane that allows only what you need to enter your space. This allows your solar plexus bowl to re-open so that the light of your soul can shine through.
Solar Plexus Bowl
The Inner Smile
This is a powerful soul grounding practice in re-connecting you to your body and your organs; softening, healing and updating the programming that is stored within the consciousness of this biological hardware. This is a highly transformative practice in healing and cleansing the organs, building your relationship with yourself, breaking old habits, healing the debilitating effects of invalidation, depression, and emotional trauma stored in the body.
Microcosmic Orbit is one of the most important meditation practices within the Qigong Taoist system. The Microcosmic Orbit is an inner alchemy practice for transforming and developing the energy of the 3 treasures. It transforms your emotions and clears stagnate or imbalanced energy held by your body through every recorded moment of your life. It allows you to find your own timing, and increases your vital energy, restoring health, and slowing the aging process.
The Microcosmic Orbit
Become aware of the quality of energy within each of the organs. This practice cleans the body of old and stuck energy relating to the climate, temperature, color and negative emotion through each of the 5 element yin organs. Through practice you learn to circulate and grow the natural energy associated with each of the 5 elements.
The 6 Healing Sounds
Opening the pakua centers the qi in the lower tan tien increasing mental focus. The pakua is an archetype like energy based in sacred geometry which holds the information and blue print of jing, qi, and shen and how each of these dimensional perspectives are energetically laid out. This energetic structure is used in the inner alchemical practices for holding and transforming energy.
Opening the Pakua